Drinking Game

Text Or Drink Game Rules And Gameplay- 2024

Text and drive can be illegal, but text and drink is real fun! How! Let’s know all about it today!

The Text or Drink card game is a fun twist on drinking with friends and getting to know them better. It will show who is willing to go out of their way to avoid getting more shots. This game is great for getting everyone excited before going out or for a night in with a few drinks. This game is fun for everyone, and it tests how far you’ll go to avoid getting a drink… Or how far you are willing to go after a few drinks!

The more people, the better! This party game is a great way to get to know your new college roommates or spend time with your old friends. Please do not take this game too seriously because it is fun to have fun with your friends. This game would be a great way to get to know your new roommates or meet new people.

This game is great for parties and getting people ready for drinks. This game would be fun to play before going out for drinks or at a house party. It’s a great way to get new and old friends to discuss fun and interesting things. It’s also a great way to show off your contacts or a better way to get a few more.

How To Play Text Or Drink Game?

One of the few card-drinking games that require you to either text or drink, this one could get messy! You must either text the person given to you on the card or drink. The game’s basics are simple and clear: there are two piles of cards, one containing a message card (such as “I’ve seen your underwear and it’s sexy”) and another containing different contacts (such as “the third “C” in your phone”).

You draw a contact card first, then look for it on your phone. Then you pick whether to text that individual or to drink for the duration specified on the message card after drawing it. The level of risk you’re willing to take in this game is directly proportional to your level of heavy drinking. Equipment for playing the text or drink game

  • We hope your Contact and Message cards are ready for the Text or Drink card game!
  • Phone contacts – the more you have, the better for this game! The better for everyone else playing, but not for yourself or your contacts who are about to get random messages from you.
  • An alcoholic beverage of your choosing – because this is a drinking game, drinks are needed. It would help if you chose a drink that you would appreciate, or else this game will be boring and uncomfortable. We recommend having more than one option depending on how daring you are. If you play the hard version, choose one drink for the cards and another for any forfeits. We suggest picking beers and having a spirit to top up some shots.
  • A group of friends – the more people you have, the more enjoyable this game will be. And everyone will quickly get to know each other and their contacts! This game will undoubtedly generate some amusing stories, with some participants reflecting on former moments and others regretting… all of this is part of the fun!
  • A large table or place – somewhere to assemble everyone in or around – will be ideal for playing this game.
  • A speaker and some background music will liven up the ambiance and enhance the party atmosphere. We encourage music to prepare everyone for a scheduled or unplanned night out later.

The Set-Up

This game is great for parties and getting people ready for drinks. This game is best played in a nice, open space, around a kitchen table or living room.

This game would be fun to play before going out for drinks or at a house party. It’s a great way to get new and old friends to discuss fun and interesting things. It’s also a great way to show off your contacts or a better way to get a few more.

This game can be played anywhere there is a fun atmosphere.

Rules And Gameplay

Players must be over the age of 21 to purchase alcoholic beverages and take part in the game.
One stack of cards has various people’s contact info, while the other contains a message card.
You need to draw a contact card and then look for that card in your phone’s address book. Then, you can either text the person on the card or drink for the amount of time indicated.
This game will test your courage (or excessive drinking).
If you get a text message before it is your turn, you cannot respond to the sender until it is your turn.
A rule states that if you drink four times in a row, you must either send a text or double your shot count.
You must imbibe if you do not already have the card’s contact saved in your phone.
You win if you’re the first to send a message to five people. However, this is not necessarily the end of the game!


Q1. How do you play, text, and drink?

Ans. The rules are simple: when you get a card, you can either answer honestly or take a sip of your drink/shot. Questions can be funny or lighthearted to get the game started, or they can be deeper or even X-rated flirty questions that are best saved for when the family isn’t around.

Q2. Do it or drink it, questions?

  • What’s the worst date you’ve ever had?
  • What’s your worst habit?
  • Name something illegal that you’ve done and regret.
  • Tell me about the biggest ticket you’ve ever gotten.
  • How many people in the room would you be willing to kiss?
  • What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
  • What do you wear when you want to go home with someone?
  • What kind of underwear do you wear?
  • What’s your dream first date?
  • What would make you immediately swipe right?
  • What would make you immediately swipe left?
  • Have you ever cheated or helped someone else cheat?
  • Have you ever gotten in a physical altercation with someone?


The Text or Drink card game is a fun way to get to know your friends better while drinking. It will show who is willing to go the extra mile to avoid getting more shots. This is a great game to play at parties to get people ready to drink.

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Franky Marshall

As a bartender, it's a terrific tool for mixing cocktails faster and more entertaining. I serve your beverages swiftly and appropriately. Bartending isn't only about making drinks better. I love writing also. My articles provide a no-nonsense look at our profession and are amusing and instructive.

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